Patients are different.
Why treat them the same?
No two patients are quite alike. As clinicians we know this - individualising therapies is part of our daily business. Yet, perioperative and critical care research often ignores these important between-patient differences, applying untargeted therapies to heterogeneous populations in the hopes of impacting multifactorial disease processes.
We believe a precision approach
is needed.
Certain research questions in acute care call for a precision approach. Examples include the optimal choice of blood pressure targets in surgical patients and the critically ill, as well as the optimal carbon dioxide target in brain-injured patients. Numerous studies in both the perioperative and intensive care settings have come to the same conclusion - that a one-size-fits-all approach often does not improve outcomes.
Our mission is to advance the research and adoption of precision acute care medicine.
By bringing together thought leaders and innovators spanning perioperative, intensive care and emergency medicine, we seek to engage patients and clinicians and catalyse the development of novel precision therapies in acute care medicine.